Java Reference
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reply # sendCmd("AT ! CMGS # \"" ! dest ! "\"",200);
if (reply.endsWith("\r\n> ")){
reply # sendCmdNoCR(msg ! ( char )27,5000);
reply # sendCmd("AT ! CGMI");
} catch (Exception e) {
reply # e.getMessage();
return reply;
// Send a command to the modem with the predefined timeout
String sendCmd(String cmd){ return sendCmd(cmd,2000); }
// Send a command to the modem
String sendCmd(String cmd, long timeout){
return sendCmdNoCR(cmd ! "\r",timeout);}
// Send a command to the modem, and wait for the given
// timeout.
synchronized String sendCmdNoCR(String cmd, long timeout){
String reply # "";
try {
readAnswer # true ;
outputStream.write((cmd ! "\r").getBytes());
reply # answer.toString();
if (readAnswer){ // i.e. timed out
readAnswer # false ;
answer # new StringBuffer();
} catch (Exception e){}
return reply;
private StringBuffer answer # new StringBuffer();
private boolean readAnswer # false ;
// Receive events from the serial port
public synchronized void serialEvent
(SerialPortEvent event) {
switch (event.getEventType()) {
case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
try {
char ch # 0;
// read the available data
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