Java Reference
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stream.append("\n </LAYER>");
return stream.toString();
Class DBConnector loads the list of thematic databases and the list of avail-
able tables from the GIS database. It offers methods to iterate through these
lists and to retrieve selected records from the thematic databases. It uses
class DBListRecord , class DBTableRecord and class DBValueRecord (see
Figure 15.11 on p. 417) to store a record extracted from the list of databases,
the list of tables and the selected thematic table respectively.
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DBConnector {
// records extracted from "Databases" and from "Tables"
private static ArrayList dbList # new ArrayList();
private static ArrayList tableList # new ArrayList();
public static void openDataBase() {
try {
// Load the jdbc-odbc bridge driver
Class.forName ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");
String dbName # "jdbc:odbc:Gis";
Connection con # DriverManager.getConnection (dbName);
// Create a Statement object so we can submit
// SQL statements to the driver
Statement stmt # con.createStatement ();
// Extract the information about available databases
String query # "SELECT ID, Name, Description" !
"FROM Databases";
ResultSet rs # stmt.executeQuery (query);
// Load data, fetching until end of the result set
while (
// Loop through each column, getting the column data
dbList.add( new DBListRecord(rs.getLong("ID"),
// Close the result set
// Extract the information about available tables
query # "SELECT ID, IDDataBase, Name, Description, " !
"Key, Label FROM Tables";
rs # stmt.executeQuery (query);
// Load data, fetching until end of the result set
while (
// Loop through each column, getting the column data
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