Java Reference
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else if (numMoveSteps > 0.0) {
// executes a movement step
if (numMoveSteps < 1.0)
0.0, 0.0);
robotPos.rototrans(moveStep*orientation, 0.0, 0.0);
// updates the robot's position
// repaints the graphical interface
numMoveSteps- # 1.0;
else {
// the task has been fulfilled
running # false ;
Class Laser extends class Device to implement the dynamics of the tele-
meter device. It executes four tasks: (1) positions the rotary tower at a given
direction; (2) reads a single distance measure; (3) detects obstacles in front
of the robot; (4) scans the surrounding environment and returns the list of
distance measures.
public class Laser extends Device{
int orientation # 1; // 1: clockwise -1: otherwise
double rotStep # 1.0; // one degree
double numSteps # 0; // number of rotation steps
boolean detect # false ;
// true if the laser executes a detect task
boolean scan # false ;
// true if the laser executes a scan task
Measure detectMeasure # null ;
public void executeCommand(String command) {
if (command.indexOf("ROTATETO") > -1) {
rotStep # 4.0;
double direction # Math.abs(Double.parseDouble(
while (direction < 0.0)
direction !# 360.0;
while (direction > 360.0)
direction- # 360.0;
double dirDiff # direction - Math.toDegrees
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