Java Reference
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if (! working) {
// if the AGV is not executing a mission,
// it leaves its current position
// and moves to the unloading station
working # true ;
DiscreteEvent mission # (DiscreteEvent)
unloadStation # (String) mission.value;
// activates the event that notifies its arrival
// at the unloading station
activateEvent("ARRIVED", moveTime, unloadStation);
else if ("ARRIVED")) {
currentPosition # (String) event.value;
if (currentPosition.equals(loadStation))
// the AGV is arrived at the drill (cutter) station
// and unloads a piece; when the unloading operation
// has been completed it notifies the machine
activateEvent("LOADED", loadTime, unloadStation);
// the AGV is arrived at the assembler station and
// starts loading a piece; when the loading operation
// has been completed, it notifies the assembler
activateEvent("UNLOADED", loadTime, unloadStation);
else if ("UNLOADED")) {
// the AGV has completed the unload operation at
// the drill or cutter station
currentPosition # unloadStation;
loaded # true ;
// the AGV moves towards the assembler station
activateEvent("ARRIVED", moveTime, loadStation);
else if ("LOADED")) {
// the AGV has loaded a nut or a screw in the
// assembler input buffer
currentPosition # loadStation;
loaded # false ;
// it starts a new mission if there is a request.
if (missions.size() > 0) {
DiscreteEvent mission # (DiscreteEvent)
unloadStation # (String) mission.value;
// activates the event that notifies its arrival
// at the unloading station
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