Java Reference
In-Depth Information
ByteArrayOutputStream buffer # new
page.serialize( new PrintStream(buffer));
String[] expected # {
"<head><title>Class: TestClass</title></head>",
"<FONT","color # \"navy\"","TestClass","</FONT>",
"<FONT","color # \"navy\"","Public members:","</FONT>",
"<FONT","color # \"green\"",
"<UL>","<LI>","int a_public_attribute",
"<LI>","void a_method(int a_parameter)","</UL>",
Prototype 3: Graphical driver
The core functionality of the application is provided by the HTML object
model component and the front-end component, which were developed in
the previous phases. To use the application, and possibly test it, a user inter-
face is needed. The user interface must draw the core components and route
input and outputs. We have chosen to provide a graphical user interface for
several reasons:
it is a common practice to have a user interface even for the simplest
it is easier to use and to understand;
it allows the resulting HTML to be shown;
the user can easily play with the application by dropping Java code and
observe the documentation generated by the application.
Since the specification gives no details about the user interface, we are
free to use whatever solution we prefer. We will opt for the simplest solution
that allows:
visualizing the documentation;
easily inserting and modifying Java classes to be documented; and
activating the documentation process.
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