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Sidebar 6.3 Dealing with exceptions
When dealing with exceptions it is important to remember that when an exception is thrown a
whole set of statements are skipped between the throw statement and the matching catch state-
ment. This is relatively easy to consider if the throw and catch statements are quite close, but it
can be easily overlooked, becoming a serious problem, when the exception propagates through
several methods.
If a method propagates an exception (generated either by the method itself or by some method
it calls), all the statements from the point where it is generated to the end of the method are
Let's consider some examples of methods operating on bank accounts.
void withdrawal( double amount){
try {
subtract(amount); // can throw exception
// in the case of an exception the following statement is skipped
} catch (AmountNotAvailableException e){ //.. }
void subtract( double amount)() throws AmountNotAvailableException {
if (amount < available)
throw new AmountNotAvailableException();
available - # amount;
In the previous example the subtract() method throws an exception if amount is less than avail-
able , therefore the subtraction of amount from available is skipped.
The withdrawal() method calls subtract() , if subtract terminates normally then it prints a
confirmation, otherwise the call to printConfirmation() is skipped.
This use of exceptions allows us to write the sequence of operations in the ideal case and to
separate the handling of exceptional cases. It is important to consider carefully the order of
operations. Let's consider the following example:
void transfer( double amount) throws AmountNotAvailableException {
sourceBankAccount.subtract(amount); // can throw exception
If no exception is thrown, the above code appears to be correct. But the subtract() method can
throw an exception that is propagated to the caller of the transfer() method. When this happens the
amount is credited to the destination account, but no amount is withdrawn from the source
account: some money has magically appeared! The overall coherence of the accounts is lost.
To solve this problem the following code should be used instead:
void transfer( double amount) throws AmountNotAvailableException {
sourceBankAccount.subtract(amount); // can throw exception
In the absence of exceptions the overall effect of the method is the same, but if an exception is
thrown the add() method is skipped, preserving the overall coherence of the accounts.
As a general rule, extra attention must be paid when exceptions can be thrown in order to
preserve the coherence of the data.
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