Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
displays that chart the history of the town from its founding by St Regulus to its growth as
an ecclesiastical, academic and sporting centre.
Apart from the obvious one - golf - the tourist office has a list of local walks and also
sells OS maps. The Fife Coastal Path ( Click here ) section between St Andrews and the
East Neuk is fun, either on foot or mountain bike. Parts of the track can be covered by the
tide, so check tide times before you go. The tourist office has a detailed map. All the East
Neuk attractions are within easy cycling distance.
Golf has been played at St Andrews since the 15th century. By 1457 it was so popular that James II placed a ban
on it because it interfered with his troops' archery practice. Although it lies beside the exclusive, all-male-mem-
bership Royal & Ancient Golf Club, the Old Course Offline map Google map ( info 466666; ; Reservations Office, St Andrews Links Trust) is public.
You'll need to book in advance to play via St Andrews Links Trust ( 01334-466666; ) . Reservations open on the first Wednesday in September the year before you wish to play.
No bookings are taken for Saturdays or the month of September.
Unless you've booked months in advance, getting a tee-off time is literally a lottery; enter the ballot at the cad-
die office Offline map Google map ( 01334-466666) before 2pm two days before you wish to play (there's
no Sunday play). Be warned that applications by ballot are normally heavily oversubscribed, and green fees are
£150 in summer. Singles are not accepted in the ballot and should start queuing as early as possible on the day -
5am is good - in the hope of joining a group. You'll need a handicap certificate (24/36 for men/women). If your
number doesn't come up, there are six other public courses in the area (book up to seven days in advance on
01334-466718, no handicap required), including the prestigious Castle Course (£120). Other summer green fees:
New £70, Jubilee £70, Eden £40, Strathtyrum £25 and Balgove (nine-holer for beginners and kids) £12. There are
various multiple-day tickets available. A caddie for your round costs £45 plus tip. If you play on a windy day, ex-
pect those scores to balloon: Nick Faldo famously stated, 'When it blows here, even the seagulls walk'.
Guided walks (£2.50) of the Old Course run Tuesday to Sunday in July and August, and hit famous landmarks
such as the Swilcan Bridge and the Road Hole bunker. They run from outside the shop by the 18th green at 11am
and 1.30pm and last 50 minutes. On Sunday, a three-hour walk (£5) takes you around the whole course. You are
free to walk over the course on Sunday, or follow the footpaths around the edge at any time.
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