Travel Reference
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Covering Scotland's wasplike waist, this region has always been a crucial strategic point
dividing the Lowlands from the Highlands. For this reason Scotland's two most important
independence battles were fought here, within sight of Stirling's hilltop stronghold. Separ-
ated by 17 years, William Wallace's victory over the English at Stirling Bridge, followed
by Robert Bruce's triumph at Bannockburn, established Scottish nationhood. The region re-
mains a source of much national pride.
Stirling's Old Town perches on a spectacular crag, and the castle is among Britain's most
fascinating. Within easy reach, the dreamy Trossachs, home to Rob Roy and inspiration to
Walter Scott, offer great walking and cycling in the eastern half of Scotland's first national
POP 32,673
With an utterly impregnable position atop a mighty wooded crag (the plug of an extinct
volcano), Stirling's beautifully preserved Old Town is a treasure trove of noble buildings
and cobbled streets winding up to the ramparts of its dominant castle, which offer views for
miles around. Clearly visible is the brooding Wallace Monument, a strange Victorian Goth-
ic creation honouring the legendary freedom fighter of Braveheart fame. Nearby is Ban-
nockburn, scene of Robert the Bruce's major triumph over the English.
The castle makes a fascinating visit, but make sure you also spend time exploring the
Old Town and the picturesque path that encircles it. Below the Old Town, retail-minded
modern Stirling doesn't offer the same appeal; stick to the high ground as much as possible
and you'll love the place.
Stirling Castle
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(HS; ; adult/child £13/6.50; 9.30am-6pm Apr-Sep, to 5pm
Oct-Mar) Hold Stirling and you control Scotland. This maxim has ensured that a fortress of
some kind has existed here since prehistoric times. You cannot help drawing parallels with
Edinburgh Castle, but many find Stirling's fortress more atmospheric - the location, archi-
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