Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
( 01475-633107; ; 121 Albert Rd; s/d £48/78; ) The Spin-
naker is a pub looking out on Gourock's great view across the firth to Dunoon. The ap-
pealing rooms have country-pine decor, are clean and spacious, and have large-screen
TVs. Downstairs the comfy bar, popular with an older crowd enjoying the vistas, is laid-
back and has ales on tap. Pub grub (mains £8 to £11) is also on offer.
( ; 2 Clyde Sq; mains £7-12) Just by the tower in the
heart of Greenock, this spacious and popular modern bar does burgers and generous sand-
wiches plus a couple of more interesting dishes like braised oxcheek or pork belly.
Getting There & Away
Greenock is 27 miles west of Glasgow, and Gourock is 3 miles further west. The Glas-
gow-Greenock-Gourock leg of the Clyde to Forth pedestrian and cycle route follows an
old train track for 10 miles. There are trains from Glasgow Central station (£5, 30
minutes, two to three per hour) and hourly buses stopping in both towns.
Gourock is an important ferry hub. Argyll Ferries ( 01475-650338; ) has a passenger service for Dunoon (£4.10, 25 minutes, half
hourly Monday to Saturday, hourly Sunday) on Argyll's Cowal peninsula. Gourock's train
station is next to the CalMac terminal.
Clyde Marine Transport ( 0871-705 0888) runs a passenger-only ferry service to
Kilcreggan (£2.35, 15 minutes, 11 to 15 daily Monday to Saturday, three Sunday); buy
tickets on board.
Western Ferries ( 01369-704452; ) also has a service
(passenger/car £4.10/11.40, 20 minutes, two to three hourly) to Dunoon from McInroy's
Point, 2 miles from the train station on the Irvine road; Scottish Citylink buses run to here.
POP 2500
Eight miles south of Gourock is Wemyss Bay (pronounced 'weemz'), where you can jump
off a train and onto a ferry for Rothesay on the Isle of Bute. There are trains from Glas-
gow (£6.40, one hour, hourly). CalMac ( 0800 066 5000; ) ferries to
Rothesay connect with trains and cost £4.75/18.75 per passenger/car.
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