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I n Fig. 15.25 , the dependence of elasticity modulus E p on complex ar-
gument (∆ H dd j cl ) for PC is presented. As one can see, this dependence is a
linear one, passes through coordinates origin and is described analytically by
the following empirical equation [56].
E p = 21(∆ H dd j cl ), GPa,
which with the appreciation of the Eq. (15.30) can be rewritten as follows
, GPa.
The Eq. (15.32) demonstrates clearly, that the value E p and, hence poly-
mer reinforcement degree is a function of its structural characteristics, de-
scribed within the frameworks of the cluster model [3-5]. Let us note, that
since parameters ν cl and j cl are a function of testing temperature, then the
parameter n cl is the most suitable factor for the value E p regulation for prac-
tical purposes. I n Fig. 15.26 t he dependence E p ( n cl ) for PC at T = 293 K is
adduced, calculated according to the Eq. (15.32), where the values ν cl and j cl
were calculated according to the Eqs. (1.11) and (4.66), accordingly. As one
can see, at small n cl (<10) the sharp growth E p is observed and at the small-
est possible value n cl = 2 the magnitude E p ≈ 13.5GPa. Since for PC E l.m. =
0.85GPa, then it gives the greatest reinforcement degree E p / E m ≈ 15.9. Let us
note, that the greatest attainable reinforcement degree for artificial nanocom-
posites (polymers filled with inorganic nanofiller) cannot exceed 12 [9]. It is
notable, that the shown in Fig. 15.26 dependence E p ( n cl ) for PC is identical
completely by dependence shape to the dependence of elasticity modulus of
nanofiller particles diameter for elastomeric nanocomposites [57].
Hence, the presented above results have shown that elasticity modulus
of amorphous glassy polycarbonate, considered as natural nanocomposite,
are defined completely by its suprasegmental structure state. This state can
be described quantitatively within the frameworks of the cluster model of
polymers amorphous state structure and characterized by local order level.
Natural nanocomposites reinforcement degree can essentially exceed analo-
gous parameter for artificial nanocomposites [56].
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