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FIGURE 15.13 The comparison of experimental (points) and calculated according to
the Eqs. (15.11), (15.13) and (15.14) (solid lines) values of reinforcement degree by shear
modulus G p / G l.m. as a function of testing temperature T for PC [41].
Hence, the stated above results have shown the modified Kerner equation
application correctness for natural nanocomposites elastic response descrip-
tion. Really this fact by itself confirms the possibility of amorphous glassy
polymers treatment as nanocomposites. Microcomposite models usage gives
the clear notion about factors, influencing polymers stiffness.
Amorphous glassy polymers as natural nanocomposites puts forward to
the foreground their study intercomponent interactions, that is, interactions
nanoclusters - loosely packed matrix. This problem plays always one of the
main roles at multiphase (multicomponent) systems consideration, since the
indicated interactions or interfacial adhesion level defines to a great extent
such systems properties [42]. Therefore, the authors of Ref. [43] studied the
physical principles of intercomponent adhesion for natural nanocomposites
on the example of PC.
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