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n st
where W n is nanofiller mass contents in mas.%, D p is nanofiller particles
diameter in nm.
Let us consider included in the Eqs. (15.7) and (15.8) parameters estima-
tion methods. It is obvious, that in the case of natural nanocomposites one
should accept: E n = E p , E m = E l.m. and j n = j cl , the value of the latter can be
estimated according to the Eq. (4.66).
FIGURE 15.10
The dependence of elasticity modulus E p on nanoclusters relative fraction
φ cl for PC [34].
The mass fraction of nanoclusters W cl can be calculated as follows [37]:
W cl = rj cl ,
where r is nanofiller (nanoclusters) density, which is equal to 1300 kg/m 3
for PC.
The value E l.m. can be determined by the construction of E p (j cl ) plotting,
which is adduced in Fig. 15.10. As one can see, this plot is approximately
linear and its extrapolation to j cl = 0 gives the value E l.m. And at last, as it
follows from the nanoclusters definition (see chapter one) one should accept
D p l st for them and then the Eq. (15.8) accepts the following look [34]:
In Fig. 15.11 the comparison of theoretical calculation according to the
Eqs. (15.7) and (15.10) with experimental values of reinforcement degree
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