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n =
FIGURE 5.1 The relation between local plasticity zone length h p and clusters relative
fraction j cl in double logarithmic coordinates, corresponding to the Eq. (5.4) for HDPE (1)
and PS (2) [10].
Thus, the value n p receives the clear physical significance. The estima-
tion of d f according to the Eq. (5.5) gives magnitude ~2.63, that corresponds
well to magnitudes d f , obtained by other methods [1].
Let us note, that index n p characterizes that part of percolation system,
which surrounds percolation network [18]. In respect to polymer this means,
that index in p characterizes loosely packed matrix, in which entire free vol-
ume is concentrated [19]. Hence, as it was to be expected, local plasticity
zone formation is connected with polymer structure loosely packed com-
ponent and its free volume. Let us note, that combination of the Eqs. (5.4)
and (5.5) demonstrates the typical example of usage necessity for polymers
structure and properties description, as a minimum, of two order parameters.
In the considered case j cl and d f are these order parameters.
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