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and for all valuations ρ : X
while universal validity
π of a transition
predicate π
,X )meansthat π is valid for any two data states and any
The above definitions are generic and sucient for the following considera-
tions. Therefore, we do not fix a particular syntax for signatures and predicates
here, neither a particular definition of the satisfaction relation. We claim that
our notions could be easily instantiated in the context of a particular assertion
language. How this would work in the case of the Object Constraint Language
OCL is shown in [5].
Example 2. We exemplify the use of signatures in our running example. The
component Leg has the I/O-signature Σ Leg =(
V Leg ,
O Leg )where
V prov
}O prov
maxStep , currStep
init () , lift () , swing ( a ) , drop () , retract ()
V req
O req
update ( a )
V int
O int
Leg has as provided state variables maxStep , which models the maximal step size,
and currStep for the current step size of the leg. The only internal state variable
is steps which counts the number of steps the leg has made since initialization
(provided operation init ()). The provided operations also include operations for
the different kinds of leg motion, i.e. lift (), swing ( a ), drop (), and retract (); the
only required operation is update ( a ) which, after a step has made, informs the
leg controller component LegC about the actual step size. A (
V prov
Leg ∪V int
V prov
Leg ∪V int
state can be given, for instance, by the function σ :(
σ ( maxStep )=50 ( currStep )=0 ( steps )=5.
The controller LegC has the I/O-signature Σ LegC
V LegC ,
O LegC ), where
V prov
V req
V int
provided state variable distance stores the total distance to be walked by its (con-
nected) leg, the internal state variable gone models the distance that has already
been moved by its leg. The meaning of the required state variables maxStep and
currStep has already been explained above. The provided operations of LegC in-
clude update ( a ). In the following, for the specification of the behavior of LegC ,
we will only consider transitions labeled with swing ( a )
maxStep , currStep
∈O req
(which is a
provided operation of the Leg component, hence shared with LegC ).
We are now able to define which labels can occur in a modal I/O-transition
system with data constraints. Given an I/O-signature Σ =(
( Σ )
), the set
of Σ - labels consists of the following expressions:
∈O prov a provided operation, ϕ
V prov ,par ( m )) the
1. [ ϕ ]? m [ π ]with m
V prov ∪V int ,par ( m )) the postcondition,
precondition, π
∈O req a required operation, ϕ
V prov ∪V req ∪V int ,par ( n ))
2. [ ϕ ]! n [ π ]with n
V req ,par ( n )) the postcondition,
the precondition, π
∈O int an internal operation, ϕ
V prov ∪V req ∪V int ,par ( i ))
3. [ ϕ ] i [ π ]with i
V prov ∪V int ,par ( i )) the postcondition.
the precondition, π
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