Information Technology Reference
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O prov of provided operations (for inputs),
O req
consists of pairwise disjoint sets
O int of internal operations. Provided
operations are offered by a component and can be invoked by the environment;
required operations are required from the environment and can be called by the
component. To indicate that op
of required operations (for outputs), and
∈O prov we often write ? op and to indicate that
∈O req we often write ! op .
State variables. In order to equip operations with pre- and postconditions con-
cerning the operations' formal parameters and the data states of a component,
we must first provide a formal notation for data states. For this purpose we use
state variables of different kinds which all belong to a global set SV of state
variables. Provided state variables describe the externally visible data states,
while internal state variables describe the hidden data states of a component.
Provided and internal state variables together model the possible data states a
component can adopt. There is, however, still a third kind of state variable which
we call required state variable. Required state variables are used to refer to the
data states a component expects to be visible in its environment. Formally, an
I/O-state signature
V prov V req V int consists of pairwise disjoint sets
V prov ,
V req ,and
V int of provided, required and internal state variables, respectively.
Definition 1 (I/O-Signature). An I/O-signature is a pair Σ =(
) con-
sisting of an I/O-state signature
and an I/O-operation signature
Predicates on states. We assume given a global set LV of logical variables, disjoint
from the state variables SV such that, for each operation op , par ( op )
LV .
Moreover, we assume a set
(SV , LV ) o f state predicates ϕ and a set
(SV , LV )
of transition predicates π with associated sets var state ( ϕ )
SV of state variables
and var log ( ϕ )
LV of logical variables; analogously for π . State predicates refer
to single states and transition predicates to pairs of states (pre- and poststates).
For each
SV and X
LV we define
,X )=
(SV , LV )
var state ( ϕ )
, var log ( ϕ )
,X )=
(SV , LV )
var state ( π )
, var log ( π )
We require that both sets,
W,X )and
W,X ), are closed under the usual
logical connectives, like
, etc. We assume that state predicates ϕ
,X )
and transition predicates π
,X ) are both equipped with a satisfaction
π , resp., expressing universal validity of predicates w.r.t.
some semantic domain of states and w.r.t. a domain of valuations for the logical
variables. We will not go into further details here, but the reader may assume a
predefined data universe
ϕ and
such that concrete data states are functions mapping
state variables to values in
and, similarly, valuations are mappings from logical
variables to values in
. Then state predicates should be interpreted w.r.t. a sin-
gle data state and a valuation of the logical variables, while transition predicates
should be interpreted w.r.t. two data states (pre- and poststates) and a valuation
of the logical variables. Universal validity
ϕ of a state predicate ϕ
,X )
then means that ϕ is valid for all data states, modeled by functions σ :
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