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can be used to express non-deterministic choice between n possible branches. In
fact, the if , when ,and either constructs are just special cases of the primitive
P 1 then B 1
P 2 then B 2
P n then B n
else B
end branch
inspired by Dijkstra's guarded commands [3]. The first n branches consist of a
condition P i and a block of statements B i , the final else branch is optional. The
effect of a branch statement is to non-deterministically choose some i such that
P i evaluates to true and execute the corresponding block B i .Ifno P i is true
then the else branch is executed if it is present, otherwise execution blocks (and
another process may be executed).
Non-deterministic choice over the elements of a set (rather than a fixed number
of alternatives) is expressed by the statement
with x
S do B end with
which executes the statements B for some element of the set S , and blocks if S
is empty. Since the expression S may contain program variables, executing the
code of other processes may unblock a with statement.
PlusCal offers three iteration constructs. Beyond the standard while loop
while P do B end while
which is already present in Lamport's PlusCal, we added the statement
loop B end loop
for expressing infinite loops; this simply abbreviates while true do B .More
importantly, we added a loop of the form
for x
S do B end for
for iterating over the elements of a set S .(Incontrast,the with statement men-
tioned above executes its body for a single, nondeterministically chosen element
of S .) The order in which the elements of S are processed is unspecified but
fixed. Exploring only one iteration order helps mitigate state space explosion,
but the correctness of the algorithm should not depend on any particular order. 3
We extended PlusCal by the ability to express fairness assumptions for
algorithms inside the language rather than through TLA + formulas that the user
must add to the generated model. Fairness assumptions are fundamental for the
3 We plan to add a compile-time option to a future version of the PlusCal compiler
that will cause the model checker to explore all possible iteration orders.
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