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(abstract) specification S . Formally, this is expressed by S
P , and given the
mechanisation we can, by aid of a collection of refinement laws, prove whether
a given refinement holds. To automate this process, we have implemented a
bespoke tactic language ArcAngel C
; it is explained in the next section.
2.2 ArcAngelC
ArcAngel C
programs from speci-
fications [10]. (Hereafter, we will use the word 'program' synonymously for both
specifications and programs.) A salient feature of ArcAngel C
is a tactic language for the derivation of
is first that it sup-
ports backtracking through angelic choice, namely from failure of tactic applica-
tions. This it inherits from its kin Angel [7], which is more generally concerned
with proving arbitrary goals. Secondly, it has a formal semantics that has been
specified in the Z notation, and permits the reasoning about tactics.
Basic literal tactics provided by the
ArcAngel C
are skip ,whichleavesthe
program unchanged, fail , which always fails, and abort , whose application is
not guaranteed to terminate. To apply refinement laws, the tactic law name ( args )
takes the name of the law and a list of arguments. Compound tactics may be
declared using the Tact i c name ( args )
= body end construct.
We further have the binary tacticals t 1 ; t 2 for sequence and t 1
t 2 for al-
ternation. Sequence executes the tactics one after another, and alternation first
attempts to apply t 1 , and if that fails, applies t 2 . Other tactics are ! t which
acts like a cut on the backtracking search of finding a successful path of tactic
execution, and applies to p do t which guards the application of a tactic t by
successful matching of the program against a pattern p . Finally, recursive tactics
are supported via the fixed-point operator μ X
t ( X ).
action or process construct, a set
of structural combinators is provided. They are boxed versions of the respective
To apply tactics to the operands of a
operators. For example, the combinator t 1
t 2 applies to actions of the
form a 1
a 2 . Its behaviour is to apply t 1 to a 1 and t 2 to a 2 . The application is
justified by the monotonicity of
operators with respect to refinement.
in ProofPower [18]. The fundamental design
of the implementation supports tactics as theorem-generating functions that ap-
ply to program expressions A and return lists of refinement theorems Γ
We have implemented ArcAngel C
B .
The construction of refinement theorems is necessarily sound because of the LCF
approach that prevents invalid theorems from being derived. More specifically,
ProofPower-Z uses the type system of the prover's implementation language (ML)
to differentiate between (unproved) conjecture and (proved) theorems.
3 Managing Well-Definedness
Most of the laws of our
semantic encoding specify well-definedness provisos
for their applicability. The provisos ensure that relational expressions, such as
p 1
p 2 , as well as operator applications, like p 1 C p 2 , are well-defined, that
is, the underlying semantic functions are applied inside their domain.
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