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where, for the sake of readability, we write a path as in code, e.g. a.b.x stands
for the path [''x'',''b'',''a''] .
Assignment. The definition of the assignment is changed as follows.
definition assign :: path exp (graph pred) (graph pred) where
assign p e q ≡ λ u. wfGraph u & wfPath p u & wfExp e u &
q (swingPath p (getNodeExp e u) u)
where the path p is assigned to the expression e , which is required to be well-
formed. The function getNodeExp returns the value of an expression, which is
defined using getVertexPath when the expression to be evaluated is a path, oth-
erwise itself when it is a constant value.
Local Declaration and Un-declaration. The commands begin and end de-
clare/initialize new local variables and terminate them, respectively.
definition begin :: labelExpF (graph pred) (graph pred) where
begin f q ≡ λ u. wfGraph u & wflabelExpF f u & q (Vars f u)
definition end :: (graph pred) (graph pred) where
end q ≡ λ u. wfGraph u & q (removeSnode u)
where f is a well-formed function of type labelExpF , which means that for each
local variable, it is initialised by a well-formed expression in f .
The command locdec defines the block for local declaration and un-
declaration, where f is the same as above and c is the body of the block.
definition locdec :: labelExpF (graph predT) (graph predT) where
locdec f c begin f ; c ; end
Method Invocation. The command method implements a method invocation
with the help of the command locdec .
definition method :: (label exp) list (graph predT) (graph predT) where
method l c locdec (getLabelExpF l) c
where l is of type (label * exp) list , each pair consisting of a formal value
parameter and the corresponding actual value parameter of the method, and c is
the method body followed by the assignment from the formal return parameter to
the actual return parameter. In the method command, the function getLabelExpF
translates a list of pairs of type label * exp to the corresponding mapping of
type labelExpF (i.e. label exp ). For instance, the method call a.m(1) in the
example of Section 2 is translated as:
method [( this ,Path this.a ), ( v , Val (Zint 1))] ; assign this.x Path v
When the method is called, the variable this is initialised by this.a (the caller),
and v by 1. Note that with this approach, recursive method calls are not directly
handled, and require the definition of a fix-point, which we do not consider here.
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