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will not discuss these improvements in detail. Instead, we remark that our normaliza-
tion semi-procedure combines the two phases of the normalization procedure given in
[12]. Using the same arguments as in [12], we deduce that for a given finite set of
H 1
Horn clauses, our normalization procedure terminates after at most exponentially many
normalization steps:
Corollary 1. Our normalization semi-procedure normalizes a finite set of
H 1
clauses in exponential time.
In this section we compare our techniques with instantiation as described by Nielsen
et al. [11]. Assume that S is a finite set of Horn clauses. Let us consider a Horn clause
S and a set
x 1 ,...,x k }⊆ Vars ( B ) of variables. If the set
I := { ( t 1 ,...,t k ) |
t 1 ,...,t k
T ( Σ ) ,
| = B{
x 1
t 1 ,...,x k
t k }}
of possible values for the vector of variables ( x 1 ,...,x k ) is finite , we are able to in-
stantiate this vector of variables with all possible values. This means we can replace the
Horn clause C by the Horn clauses C{x 1
I ,
t 1 ,...,x k
t k }
for all ( t 1 ,...,t k )
where I
is some finite superset of I . We obtain a finite set S
of Horn clauses that is
equivalent to S .
Thus, in some cases we can replace a Horn Clause C that does not belong to
H 1 (or
to some other syntactically defined class) by a set of Horn clauses which have fewer
occurrences of variables and thus may belong to
H 1 . We refer to Nielsen et al. [11] for
a detailed explanation of this framework.
Example 2. Consider the following finite set S of linear Horn clauses:
P ( x, y )
A ( x )
B ( y )
A ( a )
B ( b )
B ( h ( x ))
B ( x )
Q ( a )
Q ( b )
P ( f ( x ) ,g ( y ))
P ( x, y )
Q ( x )
The Horn clause (17) is not
H 1 ,since x and y are connected in the body, but they are not
siblings in the head. However, the set
is finite. Therefore, the variable
x in the Horn clause (17) can be instantiated, i.e., (17) can be replaced by
H S ( Q )= {
a, b
P ( f ( a ) ,g ( y ))
P ( a, y )
Q ( a )
P ( f ( b ) ,g ( y ))
P ( b, y )
Q ( b ) .
By doing so, a finite set S of Horn clauses is obtained that is equivalent to S ,i.e.
H S = H S . Since all Horn clauses of S belong to the class
H 1 , now the methods of
Nielson et al. [12] or the methods of Goubault-Larrecq [7] can be applied.
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