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Note that, throughout the paper, we will use streams as a basic example to
illustrate the definitions. It should be remarked that the framework is general
enough to include more complex examples, such as deterministic automata, au-
tomata on guarded strings or Mealy machines. The latter will be used as example
in Section 4.1.
3 An Algebraic View on the Coalgebra of Generalized
Regular Expressions
We now have a (theoretical) framework which, given a functor
, allows for the
uniform derivation of 1) a language Exp G
for specifying behaviors of
and 2) a coalgebraic structure on Exp G
, which provides an operational semantics
to the set of expressions. In the rest of the paper, we will extend and adapt the
framework of the previous section in order to:
- enable the implementation of a tool which allows for the automatic derivation
of 1) and 2) above
- enable automatic reasoning on equivalence of specifications; the reasoning
will be performed by the coinductive prover CIRC [12], which is also the core
of our target tool.
CIRC is based on algebraic specifications and, therefore, to reach our final goal
we need two things:
- algebraic specifications that model both the language and the coalgebraic
structure of expressions associated to polynomial functors to provide to CIRC
- a decision procedure, implemented in CIRC based on an equational entailment
relation , in order to check for the bisimilarity of expressions.
We further give the basic notions the reader needs in order to get an easier
understanding of the algebraic approach. An algebraic specification is a triple
=( S, Σ, E ), where S is a set of sorts , Σ is a many-sorted signature and E is a
set of conditional equations of the form (
X ) t = t if ( i∈I u i = v i ), where t , t ,
u i ,and v i ( i
I - a set of indexes for the conditions) are Σ -terms with variables
in X . We say that the sort of the equation is s whenever t, t ∈T Σ,s ( X ). Here,
T Σ,s ( X ) denotes the set of terms of sort s of the Σ -algebra freely generated by X.
If I =
X ) t = t .
then the equation is unconditional andmaybewrittenas(
be the equational entailment (deduction) relation defined as in [5]. We
e whenever equation e is deducible from
by adding
the freezing operation
Σ ,where Frozen is a
fresh sort. By t we represent the frozen form of a Σ -term t ,andby e a frozen
equation of the shape (
: s
Frozen for each sort s
X ) t = t
is defined over
frozen equations as in [12]. The need for the frozen operator will become clear
in Example 2: without it the congruence rule could be applied freely leading to
the derivation of untrue equations.
Fig. 1 briefly illustrates the parallel between the coalgebraic concepts pre-
sented in [15,2] and their algebraic correspondents. In what follows, we will
if c . The entailment relation
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