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3.1 Abstract Model
Let us start by the high-level goal G which is defined as follows:
Goal G : Achieve [LocalizeVehicle]
InformalDef: The vehicle must be localized.
We associate an Event-B model Localization , in Figure 2, to this most ab-
stract level of the hierarchy of the KAOS goal graph. In this Event-B model,
we will have an event called LocalizeVehicle that will translate the goal G ;
i.e. it describes the “property” of the goal G , in terms of generalized substitu-
tions. Localizing a vehicle consists in obtaining an estimated loc which is a pair
of latitude and longitude. At this level of abstraction, it is not necessary to pre-
cise the way this information is calculated. Thus, we use the non-deterministic
generalized substitution through the symbol :
which specifies an unbounded
choice. So, estimated loc cantakeanyvalueinthesets( LATITUDE\{null}
and ( LONGITUDE \{null}
). The null value serves just to initialize the sys-
tem through the initialization event 1 . Notice that at this abstraction level, the
event LocalizeVehicle can always occur. Hence, its guard is always true .Sets
in uppercase are abstract sets used to type the variables. They are described in
the Event-B context TypeSet s
(see in Figure 3).
MACHINE Localization
SEES TypeSets
estimated loc
inv1 : estimated loc
begi act1 : estimated loc := null
→ null
Event LocalizeVehicle =
begi act1 : estimated loc : ( LATITUDE \{null} ) × ( LONGITUDE \{null } )
Fig. 2. The abstract model
3.2 First Refinement
The goal G is refined into three sub-goals according to the milestone goal refine-
ment pattern (identifying milestone states from left to right):
1 Up to now, the initialization part, variables, invariants and contexts are manually
completed by the designer. It would be possible to derive them from domain models
in KAOS.
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