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empty. Let term be a fresh event modeling the possibility to synchronize before
successful termination.
C ( X )=
s ? x
C ( X
[[ x ]])
sh ? x
C ( X
[[ x ]])
e ? x
C ( X
[[ x ]] )
eh ? x
C ( X
[[ x ]] )
As outlined in the previous section the process C ( X ) is to be put in parallel
with the transformed process. We define S Con =
to be the
alphabet on which the transformed process T ( P ) and the controller synchronize.
Now because term
s , sh , e , eh , term
Σ T ( P ) , the controller C cannot terminate
while T ( P ) is still active. Since we aim at establishing traces-equality, the par-
allel composition must be able to terminate if P terminates successfully. Thus,
because of the Ω semantics (see [9]) and distributed termination of parallel com-
position, T ( P ) is sequentially composed with the process term
S Con but term /
SKIP in the
following construction. The construction starts by transforming an input process
P to T ( P ) and combining the result with the control process (1) to achieve the
result Con ( P ) (standing for controlled ).
Con ( P )=( T ( P ); term SKIP ) | S Con |
C ([[ ]])
The events s . x are renamed to x ,andtheeventsin H Hr
sh , e , eh , term
hidden using Hr (standing for hidden and renamed )
Hr ( P )= P
H Hr
[ s . x
Σ P ]
resulting in a process
Ext ( P )= Hr ( Con ( P ))
(the extension of P ) that we think of as simulating P but enabling it to benefit
from true concurrency. While concurrency cannot be distinguished from choice
in the interleaved semantic models
, the transformation T allows
them to be distinguished because start and end events of two events x and y
mayinterleaveonlyif x and y are concurrent in P . Thus, using the construction
given above, possible concurrency is captured by the bag X maintained by the
controller process C ( X ). Whenever the size of the bag exceeds one, it holds the
names of events that are performed concurrently at that point.
To ensure that a process is not 'corrupted' by Ext we must show that it is a
fixed point of Ext in the traces semantics:
Theorem 1.
For each process P of the form given above,
P = T
Ext ( P ) .
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