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All three refinements are supported by the automatic refinement checker FDR
[3] which proves or refutes assertions of the form P
M Q . FDR inputs processes
expressed in CSP M , which is now the de facto standard for machine-readable
CSP. CSP M expresses CSP by a small but powerful functional language, offering
constructs such as lambda and let expressions and supporting pattern matching
and currying. It also provides a number of predefined data types, including
Booleans, integers, sequences and sets, and allows user-defined data types. The
global event set is defined by the set of typed channel declarations of a CSP M
script. The
-operator can be used to compute the set of events that complete
the set of given prefixes (e.g. channels). CSP M models can also be animated and
verified by LTL model checking using ProB [8].
3 The Transformation T
In this section we present the transformation T that achieves the simulation
motivated in the Introduction. T models duration of events by splitting them.
Hidden transitions are exposed by introducing fresh events. The purpose of the
transformation is to put the transformed process T ( P ) into parallel with a con-
trol component that records the start and end events of every transition of the
original process P (including hidden events). The control component can then
record possible simultaneity in T and thus be used to compute possible concur-
rency in P .
Throughout this paper processes are expressed using the syntax
( x : X
P ( x ))
P ; Q
| A |
P [ M ]
for general choice, sequential composition, external choice, parallel composition,
hiding, internal choice, renaming and timeout respectively. Recall that general
choice includes the atomic processes and prefixing, by appropriate choice of X .
Renaming of event x to y in process P is written P [ x
y ], or more generally
P [ M ]where M is a mapping from source events to target events. Recall that in-
terleaving (
) is the special case of parallel composition without synchronization
| |
) in the interleaving semantics of CSP.
Let s , sh , e , eh be fresh channels relative to Σ P . The transformation T is
defined as follows.
P ( x )) = s . x :
s . y
e . x
T ( x : X
T ( P ( x ))
T ( Q ) ,
T ( P
Q )= T ( P )
=; and
T ( P
| A |
Q )= T ( P )
| {s.x ,e.x |x∈A} |
T ( Q )
T ( P
A )= T ( P )[ s . x
sh . x , e . x
eh . x
A ]
T ( P
Q )= sh . ic i
eh . ic i
( T ( P )
T ( Q ))
T ( P [ M ]) = T ( P )[ s . x
s . y , e . x
e . y
( x , y )
M ]
T ( P Q )= T ( P )
( sh . to i
eh . to i
T ( Q ))
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