Information Technology Reference
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The process a
P offers its environment the opportunity to synchronize on a
in which case it then behaves like P . The process P
Q offers its environment
a choice between P and Q based on synchronization with their initial events.
The process P
Q behaves like either P or Q but the choice is made inter-
nally, beyond environmental influence. A third kind of choice, timeout P Q ,
(sometimes called 'sliding choice') combines external and internal influences. It
is represented using internal and external choice by P Q =( P
Q .
The process P ; Q behaves like P and, if that terminates, then behaves like Q .
The process P
Q )
A executes the events in the set A internally, without syn-
chronization by its environment; they can be thought of as being replaced by τ
events. The parallel composition P
| A |
Q requires P and Q to synchronize on
each event a
A , but performs other events of P or Q as determined by those
processes. STOP and SKIP are 'atomic' processes; the former models deadlock
by offering no events; the latter models successful termination by offering only
. For example the following process, defined as an abstraction of components
that synchronize on a ,simplyofferstheevent a and then terminates successfully.
( a
| {a} |
( b
SKIP ; a
CSP has a range of semantic models, the most basic of which are: the traces
[9]. In the traces semantics of CSP, a process is represented by the set of all
its possible traces; the result is useful in specifying safety properties. The stable
failures semantics, by recording the refusals of a process, is useful in specifying a
system's safety and liveness properties. In addition to traces and refusals, infinite
sequences of internal transitions ( τ events), called divergences, are required. Di-
vergence can be introduced by hiding, the symbol div and by ill-formed recursion
like P = P . Thus, for example, internal and external choice are indistinguishable
in the traces model but resolved in the stable failures model, whilst divergence
is resolved in the failures-divergences model.
Conformance in CSP is expressed by refinement . Informally, P
; the stable failures model
; and the failures-divergences model
Q means
that Q conforms to P ,orthat Q 's behaviors are contained in those of P .For-
mally, for any of the three semantic models
[ Q ]
[ P ]
is that CSP provides a refinement calculus supporting process development from
abstract specification to implementation.
Algebraic reasoning is supported by refinement laws that correspond to
containments in the failures-divergences model. Examples are: idempotency of
internal choice, P
[ P ] denotes the semantics of process P in semantic model
P = P ; distributivity of internal choice over parallel com-
position, ( P
| A |
Q )
R =( P
R )
| A |
( Q
R ); and resolution of nondeter-
minism, P
P . Using these laws, the timeout operator can also be written
P Q =( P
Q .
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