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(forall t:Table, In t (MRelational_tableAllInstances mb) ->
exists! c:Class, In c (MClass_classAllInstances ma) /\
Class_kind c = "Persistent" /\
Class_name c = Table_name t /\
AttributeToColumn c t).
5 Verification of Properties
OCL invariants of both source and target metamodels are translated into propo-
sitions in the CIC. This, at a large measure, can be done automatically follow-
ing the ideas presented in [22]. The desired properties of the transformation are
specified in the CIC by the verifier using the full potential of the logic. These pro-
perties will in general establish relations between (any instances of) the source
and target metamodel connected by the transformation.
A simple property of the example transformation is that the length of the
Column swithina Table must be grater than zero. This can be written in OCL as
context Table inv:
self.column->length() > 0
In Coq, this property can be expressed as follows.
Definition TableAtLeastOneCol (model : SimpleRDBMS) : Prop :=
forall t:Table, (In t (MRelational_tableAllInstances model)) ->
length (Table_column t) > 0.
This property holds by the fact that every Attribute is transformed into a Column
and that every Class has at least one Attribute . This information is given in the
transformation rules and in the source invariants, respectively.
The invariants of the target metamodel and any other desired properties of
the transformation ( Post ) are interactively verified in Coq by assuming that the
invariants of the source metamodel ( Pre ), and the transformation rules ( TRules )
hold. In this way, the correctness proposition becomes:
Ma:MMa. (Pre(Ma) →∀ Mb:MMb. (TRules(Ma,Mb) Post(Ma,Mb)))
In the example, the Coq lemma to prove is as follows.
Definition Post (ma : SimpleUML) (mb : SimpleRDBMS) : Prop :=
TableAtLeastOneCol mb.
Definition TRules (ma : SimpleUML) (mb : SimpleRDBMS) : Prop :=
ClassToTable ma mb.
Lemma Cert_Class2Relational:
forall ma:SimpleUML, Pre ma -> forall mb:SimpleRDBMS, TRules ma mb
-> Post ma mb.
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