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M } . ,where ¯
as follows: class C extends D {
f stands for typed fields in the
f ; ¯
class, while
M represents a list of methods.
Only bool and unit (the empty type) are predefined as primitive types in the
language; from these types, other primitives may be built. Furthermore, expres-
sions do not have side effects; object construction occurs only as a command.
Similarly, method calls occur in special assignments x:= e.m( e ) defining both
side effect and a return value. Methods can be defined recursively, so loops are
We adapted to this language a complete set of laws of programming [18]. The
following law, for instance, establishes that instantiations of a class B can be
replaced by instantiations of its superclass A ,aslongas B is an empty class. This
replacement can occur either in the body of A 's methods or any method in the
set of class declarations CT (a class table). CT [ exp /exp ] denotes a substitution.
Replacement is applicable when expressions of type A are not cast with B and
B instances are assigned only to A -typed variables. The opposite application is
constrained by a proviso: tests involving A -typed variables with B may not work
if A 's instances become B instances. fds and mts represent, respectively, fields
and methods. A primed metavariable, like mts , is a transformed version of the
unprimed one, as defined in the where clause. A sample of other laws used in
this paper are presented in a technical report [22].
Law 1
new superclass
class A extends C {
class B extends A {}
class A extends C {
class B extends A {}
CT = CT [ new A/ new B ]
mts = mts [ new A/ new B ]
( )(1) B is not used in type casts or tests in CT or mts for expressions of type A ;
(2) x := new B only appears if type ( x ) ≤ A ;
( ) Variables of type T ≤ A are not involved in tests with type B .
In addition to equivalence laws, there are laws for class refinement that involve
internal representation changes such as addition and removal of private fields.
In these laws, simulation is established within a class by a constructor making
the coupling invariant true and every method executing on a valid state and
resulting in another valid state, as they are based on Morgan's refinement no-
tion [23]. These laws have been proven sound and complete as well, although
within a language lacking object references [18]. In order to avoid this limitation
in work, we guarantee modular reasoning by using confinement as a requirement
for programs.
Ownership confinement [24] is a discipline for controlling aliasing in object-
oriented languages, restricting access to designated representation objects (reps),
except through their owners , to avoid representation exposure [19]. An owner
is a class that maintains representation objects stored in the fields of its
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