Database Reference
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5. pronoun
Includes nouns with an indexical meaning component such as I, me, mine,
you, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, etc.
6. preposition
Function words which combine with a noun into an adjective, such as on
in [the topic] on [the table] .
7. conjunction
Includes coordinating conjunctions (parataxis) like and and subordinating
conjunctions (hypotaxis) like that (introducing subject or object sentence)
or when (introducing adverbial sentence).
8. interjection
Includes exclamations like ouch! , greetings like hi! , and answers like yes .
Most traditional grammars postulate eight parts of speech because this is
the number adopted by classical Greek and Latin grammars. In daily prac-
tice, however, additional classifications are used such as determiner, auxiliary,
modal, infinitive, progressive, past participle, present tense, past tense, sin-
gular, plural, first person, second person, third person, etc., all of which are
useful for a more precise classification of word forms.
For linguistic analysis, DBS uses only noun, verb ,and adj as core at-
tributes. 11 These have proved sufficient for the DBS analyses 12 of Albanian
(Kabashi 2003, 2007), Arabic (ben-Zineb 2010), Bulgarian (Ivanova 2009,
Sabeva 2010), Chinese (Mei 2007), Czech, English (Leidner 2000, Proisl
2008, Bauer 2011), French (Pepiuk 2010, Kosche 2011), German (Stefanskaia
2005, Girstl 2006, Gao 2007, Mehlhaff 2007, Tittel 2008, Handl 2010, We-
ber et al. 2010, Jaegers 2010, Reihl 2010), Georgian, Italian (Weber 2007),
Japanese, Korean (Lee 2004, Kim 2009), Polish (Niedobijczuk 2010), Ro-
manian (Pandea 2010), Russian (Vorontsova 2007, Kalender 2010), Span-
ish (Mahlow 2000, Huezo 2003), Swedish (Lipp 2010), and Tagalog (Söllch
Using only noun, verb, and adj as core values simplifies the compositional
semantics. Also, they are the only parts of speech which have counterparts
in logic, namely argument , functor ,and modifier , and in analytic philosophy,
namely object , relation ,and property (cf. FoCL'99, Sect. 3.4).
11 Technically, the DBS system allows as many different core attributes as desired.
12 The languages listed were investigated at the Laboratory for Computational Linguistics at the Uni-
versity of Erlangen Nürnberg (CLUE). In most cases, especially for the more distant languages, the
analysis was done by native speakers. In some cases, the analysis did not result in an academic degree
or a publication. It did, however, always result in a Malaga (Beutel 2009) or a JSLIM implementation.
If the analysis of a language is limited to automatic word form recognition it is nevertheless based on
detailed studies of the syntax and semantics.
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