Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Pasture-raised chickens produce eggs with higher amounts of iron, vitamin A, vitamin B and folic
acid, and omega-3s. They also seem to actually have lower levels of cholesterol in them. And with
backyard chickens being some of the easiest livestock to keep, even in a small suburban backyard,
these are steps that can really add up when it comes to your family's dietary health. Chapter 12
talks more about raising your own chickens.
The other thing to keep in mind is that when I have something ready to eat, I'm more likely to
eat it. That is, I don't usually think to myself, “Gee, I think I should eat a summer squash today.”
I'm like everyone else—I have a sweet tooth and a half. However, if I go out to the garden in the
morning, and we have two ripe yellow squashes, I will harvest them and bring them in. Now I feel
obligated to eat the squash, instead of buying a bag of processed munchies and eating those as I
might otherwise do. Several studies show that gardeners eat more fruits and vegetables than non-
gardeners or the average consumer. Surround yourself with delicious, high-quality food that you've
invested your time and effort into and you will gradually change your eating habits by default!
And let's not underestimate the health benefits involved in the act of gardening itself. Many studies
continue to prove benefits, like the research by Kansas State University that showed improved
hand strength and self-esteem even among elderly participants who gardened. A paper published by
Community Food Security Coalition cites several studies showing the various benefits of gardening
in reducing risks of obesity, heart disease, and even blood sugar levels in diabetics. Who knows,
perhaps gardening could be just what the doctor ordered.
The Many Benefits of Small-Scale Farming
I've found that I'm able to enjoy many of the benefits of small-scale farming right in my own
backyard—even in a small town. Being a small-scale farmer has huge advantages for those who
only work their farm on a part-time basis. Starting small is also a benefit for those who are testing
the waters to see what level of this lifestyle they want to adopt. Our family has been slowly adding
new elements to our backyard farm each year to see what steps we are comfortable with.
Cost of Land and Equipment
One of the seemingly obvious benefits of a backyard farm is the lowered cost of land. However,
you must take into consideration the fact that land near large urban centers is usually much higher
in price than land in rural areas. I'll talk more about the costs of purchasing land versus using the
property you already own in Chapters 2 and 3.
Regardless of whether you're buying a new place or using your existing place, the costs will be more
reasonable when you have a smaller farm. In my area of Oklahoma, for example, you can still find
a 1-acre lot of land for anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000. With a modest family-sized home you can
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