Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Enjoying the
h 4
It's not enough to just grow and produce the useable. As a backyard farmer taking your place in
sustainable living efforts, you want to be able to preserve and partake. These chapters show you
Learn to enjoy the richness of the flavors available to you in each season. Bask in the uniqueness
that each turn of the earth has to offer. Eating in season is an art of appreciating the finite, a far
cry from attitude that says “Give me what I want, when I want it, no matter the cost.”
Preserving what is available for future months is part of that process. Long-term storage that
prepares for times when something isn't available is a wisdom of the ages that needs to be revived
in today's society. Learn how to can, smoke, dry, store, and lay up for the future, and enjoy the
luxurious bounty available to you as a result.
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