Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Living Large on
h 1
a Small Scale
In this part we look at the importance of backyard farms on the overall health of the economy,
health, and stability of our world. You'll learn some stark statistics about the damage being caused
by our current food production methods. You'll also learn the many benefits of a small-scale
backyard farm.
After you've seen why this is an important step of self-sufficiency, our attention will turn to the
all-important factor in any backyard farm: the land. We discuss your options for acquiring your
backyard farm: buying something already established, starting from scratch, or adapting what you
currently own. You'll learn what to watch out for and look for in a new property.
When you have an idea of what you want to try your hand at, you'll be encouraged to create an
in-depth plan, learn how to assess your current situation, and create a plan for achieving your
backyard farming goals.
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