Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Parsley is a must-have in my herb garden. Note the beginnings of a flower cluster forming in the plant.
Parsley doesn't have too many disease problems but has some pest problems. Parsley is related to
carrots so it makes sense that it is sometimes preyed on by carrot flies. Aphids or mites can also be
a problem on occasion.
Harvest leaves for storing at their most flavorful peak of summer. Freezing parsley is generally
a better option to preserve flavor than drying. Chop the parsley and add to water, freezing the
mix in ice cube trays. If you want to dry parsley it should be done as quickly as possible without
Over the Garden Fence
Parsley, like carrots, helps attract predatory wasps and other beneficial insects to the garden. Because of
this effect, it is an herb commonly used as a companion plant in the vegetable garden. I know a master
gardener in our area who always puts a parsley plant at the end of each tomato row.
Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis )
One of my absolute favorite plants, rosemary has a lot to offer a backyard farmer and a gardener.
The evergreen perennial can be included in a fragrance garden, mixed perennial border, or large
ornamental container. Hardy in zones 4 through 10, the bush is only evergreen through about
zone 8.
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