Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
» Pack medications in their original, clearly labelled containers.
» A letter from your physician describing medical conditions and medications, including generic names, is a
good idea.
» If carrying syringes or needles, be sure to have a physician's letter stating their medical necessity.
» If taking any regular medication, bring a double supply in case of loss or theft.
» In most Mekong region countries, you can buy many medications over the counter without a doctor's pre-
scription, but it can be difficult to find some of the newer drugs.
Even if you're fit and healthy, don't travel without health insurance. Bills of more than US$100,000 are not
uncommon if you need emergency evacuation. Some things to keep in mind when choosing an insurer:
» Declare any existing medical conditions, as the insurance company will check if the problem is pre-existing
and will not pay up if undeclared.
» Adventure activities such as rock climbing sometimes require extra cover.
» If your health insurance doesn't cover you for medical expenses abroad, consider getting extra insurance.
» Find out in advance if the insurance plan will make direct payments to providers or reimburse later for
overseas health expenditures.
» Even if you have a direct-pay plan, many hospitals in the Mekong region expect payment up front in cash.
Exceptions are the big hospitals in Bangkok and International SOS clinics in Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh City
(Saigon) and elsewhere.
If you plan to get vaccinated before your trip, consider the following:
» Specialised travel-medicine clinics are the best source of information, as they stock all available vaccines
and can give specific recommendations for each region.
» Doctors will take into account factors such as past vaccination history, length of trip, activities and existing
medical conditions.
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