Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 4.7. During the operation to conserve hemp cultivars, the isolation of specific genotypes from other
genotypes is often undertaken.
seed industry. The control of seed properties
(humidity, purity, germination, sanitation) both
before and after the multiplication of the seed
stock and before its conditioning allows the
necessary information to be gathered for certi-
fication. Post-control tests involve the sowing
of a sample from each batch in order to vali-
date the controls undertaken in the previous
season. From this point of view, the control of
the sex of the plant is particularly important.
Over the past few years, the production of
certified seed of organic hemp has become a
challenge. A lot of attention is directed towards
the delivery of certified seed stock that not only
is of constant quantity but also of consistent
quality and price.
few varieties, together with natural attrition,
can lead to the loss of germplasm. It is vitally
important that plant genetic resources be pre-
served assiduously so breeders can continue to
develop improved cultivars into the future. This
is true of all plants, not just hemp (Berenji et al .,
1997). The effort to collect, classify and con-
serve hemp germplasm from all over the world
led to the creation by N.I. Vavilov of the enor-
mous collection held at the N.I. Vavilov Institute
of Plant Industry in St Petersburg, Russia,
consisting of 397 entries covering a tremen-
dous genetic range (Kutuzova et al ., 1997).
4.3 The Selection of Hemp
Genetic resources used in the selection of
hemp plants
The creation of varieties and the production of
seed (both for cultivation and industry) are
complementary activities that should never lose
sight of their common objectives. They both
aim to satisfy the demands of the market, in
terms of both the quality and quantity of seed
produced. Both strands of production must
therefore work closely together.
Germplasm - the genetic resources a breeder
employs to create new varieties - may be drawn
from indigenous seed stocks, from new or
ancient cultivars, or from populations created
by breeders, or from special genetic stocks such
as those carrying mutations. Overuse of only a
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