Agriculture Reference
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Terracotta tiles
Wooden beam
Fig. 17.19. Hemp cement used to insulate a roof.
binding content and a density of the order of
250 kg/m 3 . As such, it is able to provide con-
tinuous and stable insulation.
economic aspects of hemp cement on
wood-frame construction systems.
INSTALLATION . The hemp cement is poured into
the space in the inner aspect of the roof space.
17.5 Other Uses of Hemp
in the Construction of Building
17.4.6 Regulations
Beyond the two uses detailed above (insulating
wool and light mortars/concrete), the co-products
of hemp can also be used to make other
construction materials whose production today
is, for various reasons, negligible.
The four uses described for hemp cement in the
paragraphs above (wall, floor, rendering and
roof insulation) are the subject of a reference
work entitled Règles professionnelles de mise
en œuvre des bétons de chanvre . This docu-
ment has been put together by a committee of
experts (artisans, architects, companies and sci-
entists) and validated by a control board. 5
It is recommended that this type of docu-
ment be consulted on all projects in countries
with applicable regulations.
Insulating lining underlay
Hurds aggregate is coated in bitumen and
spread out over floor surfaces, levelled off and
packed down lightly. The bitumen coating
allows the components to stick together with-
out any water. The end result has a low-den-
sity, even surface that is a good acoustic and
thermal insulator.
Developed in 1963 in Germany, Mehabit
( was met with some success
and is still produced, being used to renovate
flooring in various ways. It can be used to level
floor surfaces and provide thermal and acous-
tic insulation. Its qualities also include an ease
of use and the fact that it does not introduce
(or require) water.
17.4.7 Conclusion
Hemp concrete and its use in the different
roles described above has benefited from
extensive use and evaluation. Today, we are
no longer at the experimental stage as hemp
is widely used, even though we still have not
optimized all aspects fully. Ongoing work is
today seeking to improve the technical and
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