Agriculture Reference
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hemp that were rotten inside or else packed
with stones to make up the weight.
It would appear that a single merchant
was able to secure the monopoly on hemp
supply. A would-be competitor lowered his
prices, but the merchant lowered his still
further until he was the only one left selling
hemp, thereby becoming the master of price.
Colbert questioned this and, trying to rid him-
self of his services, conducted investigations.
No dishonesty was brought to light, however,
and when the hemp dried up in barren years, it
was always the same man who got his minister
out of a fix.
Hemp was so important that even Louis
XIV interested himself in these matters.
He chastised a supplier who had delivered a
spoiled batch of hemp. He also imposed
purchase prices and supervised and ordered
that hemp be grown in specific provinces.
After 20 years of effort, Colbert's policies
bore fruit. Hemp deliveries became regular
and the quantity consistent, while the price
dropped. Occasionally, as a last resort, sup-
plies had to be sought from the Baltic states
or from Holland. Northern hemp, originating
from Livonia (in northern Lithuania) or from
Russia, was often of better quality and recog-
nized as being both fine and supple. It was
able to hold a heavier weight than that
produced in France and had a further advan-
tage, for it was more abundant and cheaper
than French hemp.
In the opinion of the naval officers of the
time, French hemp produced sails that were
too heavy for warships, where they made for
slow sail handling and rope work during
manoeuvres. These sails were also character-
ized by the fact that they were not as good at
catching the wind, especially when it was
weak. This represented a disadvantage when
compared to the sails of the Dutch and English
navies, both of whom used a Dutch-made
canvas of high-quality hemp. On closer inspec-
tion, it would appear that the manner in which
the sails were woven made all the difference.
The Dutch canvas was made from a single
thread and the weaving was tighter, producing
a sail that was less permeable to water, more
supple and stronger than the French canvas.
The French canvas would always be stiffer and
heavier, but this did not prevent the French
Navy from winning a number of brilliant
successes against the Dutch and Spanish.
Now let us explore the culture of hemp
in 17th and 18th century Holland.
Hemp in Holland
The Dutch lived by the sea and, building on
their mastery of the seas, they became a com-
mercial power of note between the 16th and
18th centuries. This required a reliable supply
of hemp in order to equip their commercial
and fishing fleets. In addition to supplying rig-
ging needs, the production of fishing nets
also called for hemp.
Hemp production was therefore encour-
aged during this period, and the western part
of central Holland was equipped for the pur-
pose. Rural engineering works, hydraulic sys-
tems and commercial management systems
were all developed for the purpose. In some
areas, hemp even appeared to have become
an irrigated monoculture for which fertilizers
were used.
However, retting hemp stalks in streams
polluted the water, posing a problem. The
processing of hemp in the special techniques
required resulted in the creation of an industry.
As we saw earlier, France looked to Holland to
supply its needs from time to time. After the
17th century, the increasing availability of
cheap hemp from Eastern Europe led to a pro-
gressive decline in hemp production.
By the 18th century, the Dutch ships had
kissed goodbye to the glory and wealth of
yesteryear. Their need for hemp also disap-
peared. The Dutch farmers found it increas-
ingly hard to make a living from this crop. This
led to a gradual evolution away from hemp
towards animal production, and ultimately to
2.5.3 The French Revolution and
the Empire
The revolutionary period and that of the First
Empire are marked by a series of important
developments for the French Navy. The navy
was relied upon to maintain links with the West
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