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8. Garavel, H., Mateescu, R., Lang, F., Serwe, W.: CADP 2006: A toolbox for the
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9. Arbab, F.: Reo: A channel-based coordination model for component composition.
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10. Baeten, J., Basten, T., Reniers, M.: Process Algebra: Equational Theories of
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13. Khosravi, R., Sirjani, M., Asoudeh, N., Sahebi, S., Iravanchi, H.: Modeling and
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14. Bonsangue, M., Izadi, M.: Automata based model checking for Reo connectors.
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15. Kemper, S.: SAT-based verification for timed component connectors. Electronic
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16. Arbab, F., Baier, C., de Boer, F., Rutten, J.: Models and temporal logical spec-
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