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Given an error bound ε , we can choose a suciently small step duration δ> 0
such that p P max s, ( k a ,k b ]
p max ( s, I )
( λδ ) 2
2 + λδ < ε holds. Note that
k b
this can be done apriori . Hence, p P max s, ( k a ,k b ] approximates the probabilities
p max ( s, I )upto ε .Further, p P max s, ( k a ,k b ] can easily be computed by slightly
adapting the well-known value iteration algorithm for MDPs [7]. For an error-
bound ε> 0andatime-interval I with sup I = b , this approach has a worst
case time complexity in
( λb ) 2 where λ is the maximal
exit rate and m and n are the number of transitions and states of the IMC,
n 2 . 376 +( m + n 2 )
Example 3. (Adopted from [58].) Consider the IMC depicted in Fig. 2(a). Let
G =
as indicated by the double-circled state s 4 . The only state which
exhibits non-determinism is state s 1 where a choice between α and β has to be
made. Selecting α rapidly leads to the goal state as with probability 2 , s 4 is
reached with an exponential distribution of rate one. Selecting β almost surely
leads to the goal state, but, however, is subject to a delay that is governed by
an Erlang(30,10)-distribution, i.e., a sequence of 30 exponential distributions of
each rate 10. Note that this approximates a deterministic delay of 3 time units.
The time-bounded reachability probabilities are plotted in Fig 2(b). This plot
clearly shows that it is optimal to select α upto about time 3, and β afterwards.
The size of the IMC, its maximal exit rate ( λ ), accuracy ( ), time bound ( b )and
the computation time are indicated in Fig. 2(c).
s 4 }
Fig. 2. Time-bounded reachability probabilities in an example IMC
Time-bounded reachability-avoid probabilities. To conclude this section, we will
explain that determining p max ( s, I ) can also be used for more advanced measures-
of-interest, such as “reach-avoid” probabilities. Let, as before, s be a state in an
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