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3. if ( q T ,a,ϕ T ,c T ,q T )
E T and ( q S ,a,ϕ S ,c S ,q S )
E S thisgives (( q T ,q S ) ,a,
ϕ T
ϕ S ,c T
c S , ( q T ,q S ))
4. foreach ( q S ,a,ϕ S ,c S ,q S )
Act o
E S with a
thisgivesriseto (( q T ,q S ) ,a,
,l ) where G T = {
ϕ T | ( q T ,a,ϕ T ,c T ,q T ) }
ϕ S ∧¬
G T ,
x new }
5. if ( q T ,a,ϕ T ,c T ,q T )
Act S then (( q T ,q S ) ,a,ϕ T ,c T , ( q T
E T , a/
,q S ))
Act o thisgivesriseto (( q T ,q S ) ,a,
6. foreach ( q T ,a,ϕ T ,c T ,q T )
E T with a
,l u ) where G S = {
ϕ S | ( q S ,a,ϕ S ,c S ,q S ) }
G S ,
7. foreach a
Act i thisgivesriseto ( l ,a,x new =0 ,
,l )
8. foreach a
Act thisgivesriseto ( l u ,a, true ,
,l u )
The quotients input set, Act i , consists of the inputs to the outer component
A T and the outputs of the existing inner component A S (See Figure 9c) and
a new fresh input action i new . The output set of the quotient, Act o ,issimply
theoutputsetoftheoutercomponent, A T ,minus theoutputs handledbythe
existinginnercomponent A S .Theresultingquotienthastwonewspecialstates
l u and l .Thefirst universal state, l u ,representsallthecaseswheretheexisting
innercomponent A s hasviolatedtheguaranteesoftheoutercomponent A T and
inconsistent state, l ,representsallthecaseswherethequotientbytakingthis
tionleadingtothe universal statewithaguardthatequalstheoriginalinvariant
variantof A T isnotsatisfiedwhiletheinvariantof A S is.Thethirdrulehandles
allregularsynchronisationwherethe guardsofboth componentsaresatisfied.
at a time where it is not allowed by any of the matching guards in the outer
component A T .Thefifthrulehandlesthecaseswhere A T takesanactionwhich
isnotintheactionsetof A S .Thesixthrulerepresentsallthecaseswhere A T
takesanactionwhichisnotallowedbyanyofthematchingguardsin A S thus
leading to the universal state. Finally the seventh rule makes the l state in-
consistent and the eighth rule ensuresthat the universalstate has all possible
Theorem 1. Foranytwospecificationautomata A S and A T suchthatthequo-
tientisdefined,andforanyimplementation X over thesamealphabet as T
wehavethat S
X isdefinedand S
T iff X
S .
5 Tool Implementation
We beginwith summarisingthe functionality ofthe tool,andproceedlater to
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