Information Technology Reference
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Positive traces:
< load, edit, edit, save, close >
< load, edit, save, edit, edit >
< load, close, exit >
< load, edit, save, edit, save >
< load, edit, save, close, exit >
Negative traces:
< load, close, close >
Fig. 1. Prefix Tree Acceptor with added negative trace
those states that are most likely to produce high scores called the “Blue-Fringe”
strategy. A detailed description is provided by Lang et al. , or in a subsequent sur-
vey of grammar inference techniques by Cicchello and Kremer [19].
To provide the reader with an intuition of how the algorithm operates, we
refer to the example in Figure 1. The state machine at the top represents a
simple, fictional text editor. The task is to infer it from the set of traces given
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