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Fig. 4. Abstracting a continuous state evolution to a qualitative trace
levels in the two tanks have the quantity spaces T 1= df {
Zero, Empty , Ful l
T 2= df {
respectively (see Figure 3). Remember that
the implicit intervals between the landmarks are part of the quantity spaces.
The flow rates have the quantity space FR = df
Zero, Empty , Reserve , Ful l
. We also need
to introduce auxiliary quantities in order to be able to set up the QDEs. The
auxiliary quantities diff 1 and diff 2 have to link the different QDEs. Hence, they
only need a coarse quantity space NZP = df {
minf ,Zero, inf
We use two types of qualitative constraints
to formulate the QDEs of the water tank exam-
ple: add and d/dt . The constraint add ( x, y, z )
denotes the qualitative addition of two qualita-
tive values x + y = z . It is defined over sign
algebra and simply expresses facts like that two
positive qualitative values will also be positive,
etc. Table 1 shows the full definition of this qualitative addition. Note that in
contrast to the real-valued algebra, here the addition is a relation rather than a
function. This is because the result of adding opposing signs cannot be uniquely
determined. The second constraint d/dt ( x, y ) denotes that y is the qualitative
derivation of x . This means that the sign of y determines the direction of change
of x . The qualitative model of the two-tank system is given by the conjunction
of the following QDEs:
Table 1. Qualitative Addition
+0 -
+ +/0/-
+0 -
add ( diff 2 , out , inout )
add ( diff 1 , inout , in )
d/dt ( x 1 , diff 1 )
d/dt ( x 2 , diff 2 )(2)
Since QR only deals with symbolic values and monotonic function relations
(e.g., if x increases then y decreases) constant factors have no influence on the
qualitative behavior. For example, the continuous functions f 1 ( t )= t 2 and f 2 ( t )=
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