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primrec cpList:: Component Component list and
cpListlist:: Component list Component list
cpList (Primitive N itfs s) = [(Primitive N itfs s)] |
cpList (Composite N itfs subCp bindings s) =
(Composite N itfs subCp bindings s)#(cpListlist subCp) |
cpListlist [] = [] |
cpListlist (C#CL) = (cpList C)@ cpListlist CL
CpSet: gives a set representation of the cpList of a component. This allows us
to write properties in a much more intuitive way, for example, quantifying over
sub-components is easily written as
CpSet(C) . Note however that a few
proofs require to stick to the CpList notation; indeed when switching to cpSet
construct, one cannot reason on the coexistence of two identical components.
constdefs :: Component Component set
cpSet C == set (cpList C)
getCp: allows for retrieving a given component from a component list based on
the component Name. The constructors Some and None represent the so-called
option datatype enabling specifications of partial functions. Here, a component
with the given name might not be defined in the list - this is nicely and eciently
modelled by a case distinction over the option type. Note the definition of ^ as
an infix operator synonymous for getCp . This so-called pretty printing syntax
of Isabelle supports natural notation of the form CL^N = Some C' .
primrec getCp:: Component list Name Component option where
getCp [] N' = None |
getCp (C#CL) N' = if (getName C=N') then Some C else (CL^N')
changeCp CL C: written CL<-C replaces the component in the list CL that has
the same name as C by C ; it does nothing if there is no component with the given
primrec changeCp::Component list Component Component list where
changeCp [] C = [] |
changeCp (C#CL) C' = if getName C=getName C' then C'#CL else C#(CL<-C')
removeSubCp C N: removes the subcomponent of C with name N but does
nothing if there is no subcomponent with this name. Note, here the use of a
case switch supporting again pattern matching in Isabelle/HOL definitions.
primrec removeSubCp:: Component Name Component where
removeSubCp (Primitive N itf s) N' = (Primitive N itf s) |
removeSubCp (Composite N itf sub b s) N' = ( case sub^N' of
None => (Composite N itf sub b s) |
Some C => Composite N itf (remove1 C sub) b s)
Similar operations are needed for dealing with requests and results. This includes
operations for building lists of all referenced requests inside a component (and
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