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val K,s,β ( f ( t 1 ,...,t n )) = I ( f )( val K,s,β ( t 1 ) ,...,val K,s,β ( t 1 ))
val K,s,β ( q ( t 1 ,...,t n )) = tt iff ( val K,s,β ( t 1 ) ,...,val K,s,β ( t 1 )) ∈ I ( q )
val K,s,β ( φ ∧ ψ )= tt, if val K,s,β ( φ )= tt and val K,s,β ( φ )= tt
ff , otherwise.
val K,s,β ([ s ]( φ )) = val K,s ( φ ) ,
if ∃ s ∈S such that ρ ( p )( s, s )
Fig. 4. Definition (excerpt) of evaluation function val
reasons we do not give a formal semantics of updates and refer to [3] for details
on updates. Instead we explain the meaning intuitively along some examples:
- Elementary updates i := j have exactly the same meaning as assignments:
in a
-Kripke structure
and state s , an update application
{ i := j }
,s where
s is identical to s except at i which is evaluated to val K,s,β ( j )in s .
- Parallel updates u 1 ||
on a term/formula ξ yields the same value as if evaluating ξ in
u 2 are evaluated simultaneously and do not interfere
with each other. Content swapping of two program variables can thus be
expressed by i := j || j := i .
- Quantified updates for Tx ; φ ; u allow to update arbitrarily many locations
simultaneously. The update “ for int i ; i
i<a.length ; a [ i ] := 0”, for
example, assigns all array components the value 0.
- In case of parallel and quantified updates conflicts may arise when the same
location is assigned different values as in i := 0
i := 1 . Conflict resolution
for parallel updates utilizes a last-wins semantics where the previous update
is equivalent to i := 1 . Conflict resolution for quantified updates requires
a well-founded order on T and the update with the smallest value for the
quantified variable wins [3].
To summarize, updates are similar to explicit substitutions and allow to express
state changes concisely at the syntactic level.
Definition 4 (Satisfiability and Validity). ADPL-formula φ is
- satisfiable iff there exists a
-Kripke structure
=( D, I,
) ,astate
and a variable assignment β such that val D,I,s,β ( φ )= tt (or in short:
= φ );
- valid in a
-Kripke structure
(we also say that
is a model for φ and
= φ ) iff for all states s
and variable assignments β we have
= φ ;
- logically valid iff all
-Kripke structures
are models for φ .
We introduce two notions which we will need later on. For technical reasons we
must have the possibility to extend a logic's signature.
Definition 5 (Signature Extension). Let Σ,Σ denote two signatures. Σ is
called a signature extension of Σ if there is an embedding σ ( Σ )
Σ that is
unique up to isomorphism and enjoys the following properties:
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