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In symbolic execution one permits either uninitialized program locations or,
more generally, program locations that are initialized with symbolic expressions.
The following
program orders the values of x and y : after its execution x
contains the maximum of x 0 ,y 0 and y their minimum.
intx= x 0 ; int y = y 0 ; int z = max(x,y);
We use location-value pairs to represent states in symbolic execution. The ex-
l 1 := t 1 || · · · ||
l n := t n }
denotes a symbolic state in which each
program location of the form l i has the expression t i as its symbolic value.
After symbolic execution of the first three statements of the program above
we obtain the symbolic state U
Symbolic execution of the conditional splits the execution into two branches,
because the value x 0 < max( x 0 ,y 0 ) of the guard expression is symbolic and
cannot be reduced. The (negated) value of the guard becomes a path condi-
tion relative to which symbolic execution continues. Under the path condition
P 1
{ x := x 0 ||
y := y 0 ||
z := max( x 0 ,y 0 )
x 0 < max( x 0 ,y 0 ) the body of the conditional is executed which results in
the final symbolic state
{ x := max( x 0 ,y 0 )
|| y := x 0 || z := max( x 0 ,y 0 )
= y 0 which simplifies
From P 1 and properties of max one can infer max( x 0 ,y 0 )
U to
{ x := y 0 || y := x 0 || z := y 0 }
. The other branch terminates immediately in
x 0 . =max( x 0 ,y 0 )).
It is obvious already from this small example that simplification of inter-
mediate states wrt first-order theories is essential for eciency and to obtain
intuitive results. Modern symbolic execution engines use SMT solvers [9,13] and
also powerful built-in theorem provers [3,11] for this purpose.
The example suggests that a single state during symbolic execution of a
program p consists of the following three components:
under path condition P 2
x 0
max( x 0 ,y 0 )(
1. A program pointer to the next executable statement of the remaining state-
ments in p that have to be executed.
2. A path condition P relative to which the remaining statements are executed.
3. A symbolic state
relative to which the remaining statements are executed.
Symbolic execution of a program is then arranged as a symbolic execution tree
whose nodes are triples consisting of program pointer, path condition, and sym-
bolic state.
In general it is not possible to symbolically execute a program fully, because
unbounded loops give rise to infinitely many branches with differing symbolic
path conditions. Loop invariants or induction are required to turn symbolic exe-
cution into a complete method for computing strongest post-states of programs.
2.3 Partial Evaluation
The ideas behind partial evaluation go back in time even further than those be-
hind symbolic execution: Kleene's well-known s mn theorem from 1943 states that
for each computable function f (
= x 1 ,...,x m ,
= y 1 ,...,y n there
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