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3.4 Conclusions
In this chapter, we have discussed the social aspect of CBD and how the techniques
of SNA can be useful in the understanding of these databases and their evolution.
We suggest that this perspective be the subject of future research.
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6. Burke, M., Kraut, R.: Mopping up: Modeling Wikipedia promotion decisions. In: Proceedings
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7. Butler, B., Joyce, E., Pike, J.: Don't look now, but we've created a bureaucracy: the nature
and roles of policies and rules in Wikipedia. In: Proceeding of the 26th annual SIGCHI
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8. Cao, B., Shen, D., Sun, J.T., Wang, X., Yang, Q., Chen, Z.: Detect and track latent factors with
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9. Cosley, D., Frankowski, D., Terveen, L., Riedl, J.: SuggestBot: Using intelligent task routing
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10. Crandall, D., Cosley, D., Huttenlocher, D., Kleinberg, J., Suri S.: Feedback effects between
similarity and social influence in online communities. In: Proceeding of the 14th ACM
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11. Davis, A., Gardner, B.B., Gardner, M.R.: Deep South: A Social Anthropological Study of
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13. Demartini, G.: Finding experts using Wikipedia. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Finding
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14. Egghe, L., Rousseau, R.: Classical retrieval and overlap measures satisfy the requirements for
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15. Farach-Colton, M., Huang, Y.: A linear delay algorithm for building concept lattices, Combi-
natorial Pattern Matching: 19th Annual Symposium (2008)
16. Freeman, L.C.: Visualizing social networks. J. Soc. Struct. 1, 4 (2000)
17. Freeman, L.C.: The Development of Social Network Analysis. Empirical Press Vancouver,
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18. Freeman, L.C., White, D.R.: Using Galois lattices to represent network data. Sociol. Metho-
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