Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 10-1. Example hardwired amplified phone (ClearSounds
CS40XLC). Photo credit: Samuel r. atcherson, PhD.
Bluetooth-enabled devices. In this case,
the specific manner by which the streamer
transmits audio to the hearing aids will
be manufacturer specific. The possibili-
ties really are endless for a more hands-
free approach to audio listening. To learn
more about these technologies, interested
users should consult with their audiolo-
gist. In many ways, the Bluetooth stream-
ing and 2.4 GHz wireless technologies
are like frequency-modulated (FM) and
induction (via telecoil) wireless technolo-
gies, but each with different purposes. FM,
particularly dynamic FM, continues to be
effective in learning environments, and
hearing aid and implant users who have
built-in telecoils should always benefit
from publicly available induction hearing
loop systems without having to carry any
additional devices.
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