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However, if a query is both hierarchical and non-repeating, then it is safe.
Definition 4.26 A query expression given by Eq. (2.1) is called non-repeating if every relation
symbol occurs at most once. A query is called non-repeating if it is equivalent to a non-repeating
expression. We denote
NR the class of non-repeating queries in the language
; in particular, RC NR
is the class of non-repeating relational queries.
An expression is called hierarchical-non-repeating if it is both hierarchical and non-repeating,
and a query is called hierarchical-non-repeating if it is equivalent to such an expression. We denote
H,NR the class of hierarchical-non-repeating queries.
RC H,NR is R 6 -safe. In particular, Q is tractable.
Proposition 4.27 Every query Q
Proof. By induction on the structure of the non-repeating, hierarchical expression. If Q = Q 1 Q 2
then Q 1
and Q 2
are syntactically independent (because Q is non-repeating), similarly for Q =
x.Q ,
then x is a root variable, and, since no relational symbol is repeated, x is also a separator variable;
hence, we can apply an independent project. Finally, if Q
Q 1
Q 2 . In these cases, we apply an independent join or an independent union. If Q
Q , then we apply the negation.
One needs to use care when applying Proposition 4.27 because the class RC H,NR
is not
the same as RC H
RC NR .Tobein RC H,NR , a query must be given by an expression that is
both hierarchical and non-repeating, and this corresponds to a strictly smaller class of queries than
RC NR . For example, consider the query H 1 =
R(x 0 ), S(x 0 ,y 0 )
S(x 1 ,y 1 ), T (y 1 ) , which
clearly is a hierarchical query. It can also be written as
x. y.(S(x, y) (R(x) T (y))) , which is a
RC NR , but H 1 cannot be written as an expression
that is both hierarchical and non-repeating, so it is not in RC H,NR .
non-repeating expression. Hence, H 1 Conjunctive Queries Without Self-Joins
A non-repeating conjunctive query is called a conjunctive querywithout self-joins .Thus, CQ NR denotes
the set of conjunctive queries without self-joins. We show that, when restricted to this class, the
converse to Proposition 4.27 also holds. In other words, a conjunctive query without self-joins is
safe if and only if it is hierarchical.
We start by giving a simple criteria for a conjunctive query to be hierarchical. Let Q be a
conjunctive query expression, and let L 1 ,L 2 ,...,L k be its atoms. For each variable x , denote at (x)
the set of atoms L i that contain x .If Q is hierarchical, then the following condition holds:
Hierarchy Condition For any two variables x,y , either at (x) at (y) =∅
,or at (x) at (y) ,or
at (x) at (y) .
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