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More, they prove that a conjunctive query without self-joins is hard iff it is non-hierarchical (a
concept we define in the next chapter), and this happens iff the query contains three atoms of
the form R(...,x,...),S(...,x,...,y,...),T(...,y,...) . In other words, we can say, with some
abuse, that the query H 0 is the only conjunctive query without self-joins that is hard. Note that
the query R(x),S(x,y),R(y) considered earlier by Grädel et al. [ 1998 ] is a conjunctive query with
self-join, hence it does not fall under the class discussed by Dalvi and Suciu [ 2004 ].
Dalvi and Suciu [ 2007a ] study the complexity of the evaluation problem for conjunctive
queries (with or without self-joins). They establish the hardness for some queries that are re-
lated to the queries H k . Note that H k
is not a conjunctive query, since it uses
: the queries
defined by Dalvi and Suciu [ 2007a ] are obtained from H k by replacing the
's. For
example, instead of H 1 , they consider H 1 = R(x 0 ), S(x 0 ,y 0 ), S(x 1 ,y 1 ), T (y 1 ) , which is a con-
junctive query with a self-join. For every k , hardness of H k implies hardness of H k , and vice
versa, because the inclusion-exclusion formula reduces the evaluation problem for H k to that
for H k and several tractable queries. The details of the hardness proofs of H k can be found
in [ Dalvi and Suciu , 2010 ], which prove the hardness result of forbidden queries: these in-
clude all queries H k , but also many other queries, like R(x, y 1 ), S 1 (x, y 1 ), R(x, y 2 ), S 2 (x, y 2 )
S 1 (x ,y ), S 2 (x ,y ), S 3 (x ,y ) S 3 (x ,y ), T (y ) , whose hardness needs to be proven directly (it
does not seem to follow from the hardness of the queries H k ).
Dalvi and Suciu [ 2007a ] also describe an algorithm for evaluating conjunctive queries with
self-joins over tuple-independent databases, but the algorithm is very complex, and is totally super-
seded by a new approach of Dalvi et al. [ 2010 ], which we describe in the next chapter.
Dalvi and Suciu [ 2007c ] discuss the complexity of conjunctive queries without self-joins over
BID tables, and prove a dichotomy into polynomial time and #P-hard. They show that, if one allows
BID tables in the queries in addition to tuple-independent tables, then the class of hard queries is
strictly larger: it includes H 0 , since every tuple-independent database is, in particular, a BID database,
but also includes two more patterns, which we review briefly in Subsection 4.3.1 .
The complexity of several other query languages has been considered in the literature:
queries with disequality joins (
's with
)by Olteanu and Huang [ 2008 ], with inequality joins (<)
by Olteanu and Huang [ 2009 ], with NOT EXISTS predicates by Wang et al. [ 2008b ], with a
HAVING clause by Ré and Suciu [ 2009 ], and unrestricted relational algebra queries, and in particular
“quantified queries” such as relational division, by Fink et al. [ 2011b ].
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