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Michalis Potamias, Francesco Bonchi, Aristides Gionis, and George Kollios. k-nearest neighbors
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Yinian Qi, Rohit Jain, Sarvjeet Singh, and Sunil Prabhakar. Threshold query optimization for
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Lawrence R. Rabiner. A tutorial on hidden markov models and selected applications in speech
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Christopher Ré and Dan Suciu. Approximate lineage for probabilistic databases. Proc. Very Large
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Christopher Ré and Dan Suciu. The trichotomy of having queries on a probabilistic database. Ve r y
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Christopher Ré, Nilesh N. Dalvi, and Dan Suciu. Query evaluation on probabilistic databases. IEEE
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Christopher Ré, Nilesh N. Dalvi, and Dan Suciu. Efficient top-k query evaluation on prob-
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Christopher Ré, Julie Letchner, Magdalena Balazinksa, and Dan Suciu. Event queries on correlated
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Sudeepa Roy, Vittorio Perduca, and Val Tannen. Faster query answering in probabilistic databases
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A. Das Sarma, J.D. Ullman, and J. Widom. Schema design for uncertain databases. In Proc. 3rd
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