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denoted u 1 ,u 2 ,u 3 ,u 4 ,u 5 ; we write Q u for the query at each node u .Therefore, Q W
Q u 1
Q u 2
Q u 3 .To apply the expression-conditioning rule, we group as follows: Q W
= Q u 1 (Q u 2 Q u 3 ) .Then
the rule gives:
d (Q u 2 Q u 3 ) ]
¬ Q W
Q u 1
¬[¬ (Q u 1 (Q u 2 Q u 3 ))
Thus, we need to compute the d-DNNF ¬
recursively for three queries: Q u 1 , Q u 2 Q u 3 , and
Q u 3 ) . The first query, Q u 1 , has a polynomial-size d-DNNF ¬ because it is both
hierarchical and non-repeating. The second query Q u 2 Q u 3 is inversion-free query and, there-
fore, by Proposition 5.19 , has a polynomial-size OBDD, and, hence, it also has a polynomial-size
d-DNNF ¬ . It remains to explain how to construct a d-DNNF ¬
Q u 1
(Q u 2
for Q u 1 (Q u 2 Q u 3 ) (here
not a disjoint-or):
Q u 1
(Q u 2
Q u 3 )
(Q u 1
Q u 2 )
(Q u 1
Q u 3 )
= Q u 4 Q 0
Q u 4
This query, too, is inversion-free (see the lattice in Figure 4.1 and the notations in Example 4.10 ).
It is interesting to examine the CNF lattices of these three queries, which, according to
our disc uss ion, are th e m eet-closures of M ={ u 1 }
, K ={ u 2 ,u 3 }
, and N ={ u 1 u 2 ,u 1 u 3 }=
{ u 4 , 0 }
: M ={ u 1 , 1 }
, K ={ u 5 ,u 2 ,u 3 , 1 }
, and N ={ 0 ,u 4 , 1 }
. Notice that the co-atomic elements
u 4 , 1
; hence, we have completely eliminated 0. We say that we have “erased 0”.
of N are
We prove now that R d -safety implies R 6 -safety. Fix a lattice L . Every non-empty subset
S L −{ 1 }
corresponds to a query, u S Q u . We define a no nd eterministic function NE that maps
a non-empty set S
−{ 1
to a set of elements NE(S)
S , as follows. If S
is a singleton
set, then NE(S) ={ v }
. Otherwise, partition S non-deterministically into two disjoint, non-empty
sets S
NE(N) . Thus, NE(S) is non-deterministic because it depends on our choice for partitioning S . The
intuition the following: in order for the query u S Q u to be R d -safe, all lattice points in NE(S)
must also be R d -safe: they are “non-erasable”.
Call an element z L erasable if there exists a non-deterministic choice for NE(L ) that does
not contain z . The intuition is that if z is erasable, then there exists a sequence of applications of
the expression-conditioning rule, which avoids computing z ; in other words, it “erases” z from the
list of queries in the lattice for which it needs to compute the d-DNNF ¬ , and, therefore, Q z is not
required to be R d
K , define N
, and define NE(S)
where μ L (z, 1 ) = 0 can be erased:
safe. We prove that only queries Q z
If z is erasable in L, then μ L (z, 1 ) =
0 .
Lemma 5.23
Proof. We prove the follo w ing claim, by induction on the size of the set S :if z NE(S) , z = 1,
then μ S (z, 1 ) = 0 (if z S , then we define μ S (z, 1 ) = 0). The lemma follows by taking S = L
(the set of all co-atoms in L ).
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