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These rules correspond one-to-one to the rules R 6 in Subsection 4.1.2 , except that inclusion-
exclusion is replaced with expression-conditioning . For every rule, we assume the same preconditions
as for the corresponding R 6 rule. For example, Q 1 ,Q 2 must be independent in the independent-
join and independent-union rules, and x must be a separator variable in independent-project .Asa
consequence, all operations used in these rules are permitted by d-DNNF ¬ 's: all
's are independent,
and all
's are disjoint.
R d -safety is a sufficient condition for membership in UCQ(d-DNNF) ¬ , but it is open whether
it is also a necessary condition:
Proposition 5.21
Let Q be a UCQ query that is R d -safe (meaning that the rules R d
terminate on Q).
UCQ(d-DNNF) ¬ .
Then Q
We explain now the expression-conditioning rule. For a query Q = Q 1 Q 2 , we have the
following derivation for
Q , where we write
to indicate that a
operation is disjoint:
¬ (Q 1 Q 2 ) Q 1 ∨¬ Q 2
Q 1
Q 1 ∧¬
Q 2 ]
Q 1
¬[¬ Q 1 Q 2 ]
d Q 2 ]
Q 1
¬[ ( ¬ Q 1 ∧¬ Q 2 )
d Q 2 ]
Q 1
(Q 1
Q 2 )
i Q i , where the R 6 rules would normally apply Möbius' inversion formula on the CNF lattice
L = L(Q) . The effect of the expression-conditioning rule is that it reduces Q to three subqueries,
namely Q 1 , Q 2 , and Q 1 Q 2 , whose CNF lattices are meet-sublattices of L , obtained as follows.
Let Q = Q 1 Q 2 , where Q 1 = Q 11 Q 12 ... and Q 2 = Q 21 Q 22 ... , and let L denote the
CNF lattice of Q . Denote v 1 ,...,v m ,u 1 ,...,u k the co-atoms of this lattice (see the lattice primer
in Figure 4.2 ), such that v 1 ,v 2 ,... are the co-atoms corr es ponding to Q 11 , Q 12 , ... and u 1 ,u 2 ,...
are the coatoms for Q 21 , Q 22 , …Recall ( Figure 4.2 ) that S denotes the meet-closure of a set S
This justifies the expression-conditioning rule. In general, this rule is applied to a query Q
L .
￿ The CNF lattice of Q 1 = Q 11 ... Q 1 m is M , where M ={ v 1 ,...,v m }
￿ The CNF lattice of Q 2 = Q 21 ... Q 2 k
is K , where K ={ u 1 ,...,u k }
Q 1 Q 2 = i,j (Q 1 i Q 2 j )
￿ The
N ,
N ={ v i u j
1 ,m
1 ,k
Here v i
u j
It follows immediately that the expression-conditioning rule terminates because each of the
three lattices above,
N is a strict subset of L .
Example 5.22 For a simple illustration of the expression-conditioning rule, consider the query Q W
in Figure 4.1 . We will refer to the notations introduced in Example 4.14 . The lattice elements are
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